If you are a new business owner in Illinois, one of your first steps will be determining which type of business formation you want for your business. The formation you choose will serve as the blueprint for your business and will have a significant impact on all...
Experienced Representation In Business Law, Estate Planning And Tax Law
Experienced Representation In Business Law, Estate Planning And Tax Law
Experienced Representation In Business Law, Estate Planning And Tax Law
business law
Have a succession plan in place before you need it
As you established your small business in Illinois and watched it grow into a lucrative enterprise, you may have been focused on the here-and-now. However, the day will eventually come when you want to leave the business, for example, to retire. If so, you will need a...
How a buy-sell agreement can save a business
Organizing a new business can be an exciting, and no one in the midst of this adventure wants to contemplate any change to a business plan whose completion that probably required several months of dedicated effort. Unfortunately, the future is infamously uncertain,...
Has your business been harmed by fraudulent misrepresentation?
A lot of small businesses in Illinois and Missouri pride themselves on their hard work and the strength of their word. This means that most of these businesses enter into agreements with the full intent of keeping their promises. But, as you’re probably well aware,...
How does business type influence financing options?
With last year’s historic boom in startups still surging ahead in 2021, many entrepreneurs are looking for ways to attract capital. In order to tap into appropriate financing sources, however, it is wise for the Illinois business owner to be aware that the choice of...
Strife in a small business can lead to complicated litigation
Most businesses are privately owned, meaning they are not traded on one of the public stock exchanges. Many of these businesses are organized as privately held corporations or as limited liability companies, or LLCs. When affairs are operating as intended, the...
Compensatory damages in breach of contract claims
Businesses in Illinois enter into contracts every day with the expectation that each side will hold up to their end of the deal. Contracts form the backbone of many business dealings, but things do not always run smoothly and sometimes a party ends up breaching the...
What are my options when forming a business?
New business owners may feel overwhelmed by the number of decisions they have to make when forming a business. They may wonder what their options are when forming a business. Business formation should not be a decision new business owners worry about if they are armed...
What makes a contract valid?
When an Illinois business owner enters into a contract, he assumes that it is valid and legal. A contract is a legal agreement between multiple parties. It usually details specific terms between the parties and ensure that everyone is in agreement. Contracts help...
NDA: Legally protect one’s confidential information
When Illinois residents are setting up their businesses or about to enter into a commercial transaction with a businessperson, they are most likely going to be disclosing confidential information to the other party. In such situations, creators and businesspersons...