In Illinois, there are building codes and regulations for many of the counties, and even some at local levels. Many towns and villages have their own committees which oversee permits and regulations for the construction of any kind of occupied area. In the absence of any local building codes, the state and national codes take precedence. Those interested in real estate in the state should be aware of which codes to follow, and when.
Which statewide codes are in place?
The International Code Council provides a list of which codes are required for school construction projects and state-owned facilities. Most of these codes were established or updated in 2015 and include the International Property Maintenance Code, International Mechanical Code, International Fuel Gas Code, International Fire Code, International Existing Building Code and International Energy Conservation Code. The 2009 code which remains in effect is the International Building Code.
When do other building codes take precedence?
The state government of Illinois has a policy in place to allow local governments to use third-party inspectors and to enforce their own building codes per agreements with other government agencies, as long as they do so in collaboration with the Capital Development Board. It is important for developers to keep in mind that this provision does not negate any existing statewide building codes; but rather, it allows for local counties, townships, villages and the like to register their own codes with the Capital Development Board. Those looking to develop recently purchased real estate will need to be mindful of both local and statewide building codes.